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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Confessions of a Retailer part 1

*I will not be mentioning what company I work for or what mall I work in to prevent problems*

I have only worked in retail for almost 5 years now. I have seen some crazy things happen in the mall and I have seen the most laziest of people too. My mindset is if you don't have money to shop then don't. Period. End of story. Because no matter how many items you try on we still have to hang the items back on the right hangers and put them back on the right racks and shelves because we know you don't remember where you grabbed them from, when you walked in the door 30 minutes to an hour ago. We all would appreciate it more if you didn't attempt to put things where you think they might go or even right next to where you were standing at that moment in time. Think about this what if someone else was interested in the same thing  you are and would like that shirt, but couldn't find it? And then I can not help them find it because you or someone else put it somewhere completely different then where it was supposed to be or it could be on a designated rack where we can put all of the items back where they are supposed to go so I don't have a problem  finding the item the other customer is asking for.

When you grab an item off of a table, and don't want it after all, and saw that it was folded in a specific way, please attempt to fold it the way you picked it up. I don't care if it is not in correct size order what I do care about is having to fix the way you had it folded  because you thought it was too complicated. Let's say you picked up a few shirts that are on the same bar but are in different colors and decide that you don't want them anymore please put them back with the same color, again I don't care if they are in size order, but we would prefer all the same colors to be kept together. It's the little things people. 

No matter how hard you make it for us we still have a job. Even if you say "oh its job security" no its not, you spending your money at our stores is what is our job security and it keeps your favorite store in the mall for you.

Till next time,


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